Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Summer House Sports

Tomorrow, Wednesday 9th December, it is our Summer House Sports.
Rotation 1 : 11.40am - 12.05
Rotation 2 : 12.15 - 12.40

Remember to :
- Put on sunscreen
- Bring/Wear your school hat
- Have a drink bottle of water
- Some extra food in your lunch box for energy
- Bring your house (coloured) t-shirt
- A great sporting attitude :-)

Children have selected 2 sports to compete in, from the following options:
Basketball   Dodge Ball

Non-Stop Cricket Long Ball


Monday, December 7, 2015


Prizegiving was held at the Regent last night.
CONGRATULATIONS to the children in Tautoko who received the Pod Certificates.
And WELL DONE to the Tautoko Pod Jump Jam, for a great performance on the night.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 8 - Perseverance

Well done to Ashton Blinkhorne, Amber Te Are and Lily Romeril for showing perseverance in the Tautoko POD this week.

Week 7 - Perseverance

Congratulations to Hannah Reed, Jake Parker and Leon Payne for receiving the certificates for perseverance.