Wednesday, July 29, 2015

School Performance Show

We were fortunate enough to have a performance put on for us from a group from New Zealand Playhouse.   It was called "Jack Flash and the Jumping Beanstalk".
The play was full of humour, fairy tale characters and some modern day references and songs.   The play also referenced 'recycling' so reminded us to do the right thing.
Ask about the Mexican Wave, funny songs and clever costumes and sets.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Congratulations - Sporting Success

A big CONGRATULATIONS to the following three Tautoko Pod members:

Amelia Grason - for making the Manawatu U10 Girls Football Team.
Olen Juru - for making the Manawatu U10 Boys Football Team.
Jaykob Rankin - for his success at the Tae Kwon Do Tournament he attended.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Welcome Back to Term 3!

This term we will be using 'Padlet' on our blog. Padlet allows you to add your thoughts and ideas to a sheet on the blog. Have a go at the one below!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Welcome to Tautoko Pod

This week we have been lucky enough to have Michaela join Homeroom 25 in the Tautoko Pod.
Welcome to the Pod Michaela, it has been wonderful getting to know you this week.

Excellence Value Certificate - Week 11

Congratulations to Leighton Riley, Sienna Jones and Theo Martelletti for receiving the excellence certificates at Friday's assembly.